Quality System

We Are Royal International Inspection Laboratories

Our mission to protect and improve global human health through making sure that the products you use meet strict standards for public health protection using Precise and shortly validated test methods.

Quality System

RIIL's quality management comprises all company areas accounting for the service aspect: operation, maintenance, marketing and sales, order desk, planning, buying etc. It focuses on the customer, who is to be satisfied on a long-term basis by the highest quality possible of services.

Quality Management

RIIL policy is to understand and to meet in full our customers' stated requirements and neighbor ports and investment area for science and technology relating to health and safety.

Thus, we operate a quality management system in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025/2005 Standard, to ensure that our business is conducted in a safe customer focused, cost-effective manner and to help us ensure continuous improvement in our service.

Accordingly, our overall aims, objectives and targets are reviewed and documented annually. Our Quality Management System is certified by the DAkkS-German Accreditation Body.

Our work is accredited where appropriate and we will maintain and extend scope of accreditation in keeping with evolving customer requirements. We also participate in inter-laboratory proficiency schemes to maintain our performance standards.

All staff has the responsibility to familiarize themselves with this policy and with the sections of the Quality Manual relevant to their specific roles.

Proficiency Testing; In addition to internal quality control testing, RIIL participates in proficiency testing administered by the following organizations:

  • FAPAS/FEPAS – Pesticide Residue, Microbiology, Aflatoxin, Chemistry, trace elements
  • Eurofins- Microbiology analysis


Royal international inspection Laboratories (RIIL) rely on advanced automation procedures and services. The laboratories’ state-of-the-art IT systems provide the necessary automation facilities for enterprise management and procedures regarding the handling and of testing of samples.

Royal international inspection Laboratories (RIIL) automation system is designed in accordance with ISO 17025.2005 standard guidelines.

Presented in

  • Coding:

    Each sample submit for test must be identified with a unique bar code label comprising the job number followed by a sequential number from foodstuff management, All samples according to entity regulations whether delivered from sampling staff or collected from customer must be submit to lab through bar coding reception area of foodstuff test lab. Handling instructions must be follow to hold the test item secured and to protect its integrity.

  • Electronic result release:

    To facilitate services and saving time for our customer RIIL our customer can reach our contacts via E-mail, phone and can receive all information about his samples and also receive the certificate of analysis via E-mail, through website log in as well as send a hard copy of analysis certificate through mail.