
Together we empower those who work in export and import field

We collaborate with the industry’s most trusted strategic alliance partners to provide you a premium services that help you accelerate your ambitions.

Discover Our Partners

RIIL has partnered with some of the world’s most reputable internal and domestic providers to mutually offer a more comprehensive and effective solutions and services for your business.

  • General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC)

    General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC)

    the General Organization for Import and Export Control (GOEIC) is an authority directly affiliated to the Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade.

    It works closely with the sectors of the Ministry of Foreign Trade as a cooperative entity whose primary and main objective is to facilitate the flow of trade, support Egyptian industries, develop exports of all types, and boost its competitive edge in all international markets to achieve progress and prosperity for Egypt and its citizens.

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  • Ministry of Health, Egypt

    Ministry of Health, Egypt

    Ministry of Health Labs Egypt’s leading testing laboratories for the food and nonfood products, and accredited Laboratories perform its duties for testing the imported goods inside RIIL buildings with the services and facilities provided by RIIL to their teams to reach the maximum satisfaction of their customers.

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  • FP7 (VEG-I-Trade)

    FP7 (VEG-I-Trade)

    Impact of climate change and globalization on safety of fresh produce – governing a supply chain of uncompromised food sovereignty

    • VEG-I-TRADE provides platforms to identify impacts of anticipated climate change and globalization on food safety, microbiological and chemical hazards, of fresh produce and derived food products.
    • Control measures of managerial and technological nature will be developed in the supply chain of crop production, post-harvest processing and logistics to minimize food safety risks.
    • The assessment of the performance of horticultural safety management systems by a novel diagnostic instrument at EU level exemplified by several countries in Europe and tailored on a global level including major EU trade partners from various climate zones will lead to recommendations on European and global level on quality assurance and the setting of science-based performance objectives.
    • VEG-I-TRADE will pro-actively invest in problem solving technologies for safe produce investigating aspects of water quality and water treatment, horticultural production practices, disinfection treatment and packaging technologies.
    • These control measures will be exploited in collaboration with SMEs and industrial partners.
    • Baseline studies on the hazards, intervention technologies and best practices in the fresh produce chain will provide input for both microbial and chemical risk assessment to elaborate support to risk-based sampling plans, evaluate the risks of newly identified threats as affected by the global trade system and anticipated climate change.
    • The project output will craft a discussion forum for stakeholders in the global food chain reflecting on issues of acceptable risk, sustainability of fresh produce production and long term strategy of international food trade, while making no compromise in food safety for European consumers and in respectation of food sovereignty.
    • Risk communication to increase awareness of trade partners’ production systems and the uneven consumer behavior will provide key conditions for prioritization of risk management strategies.

    RIIL participate in (VEG-I-Trade) in:

    • WP1 (Global Food Market)
    • WP6 (Microbiological Risk Assessment)
    • WP7 (Pesticide Residue Risk Assessment)
    • WP8 (Mycotoxin Risk Assessment)
    • WP9 (Climate Change Impact)
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